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ap calculus 3

I've heard about AP Calculus AB and BC, but I came across something called AP Calculus 3. Is it a real course, or maybe it's just another term for one of the usual ones? Can someone please clarify this for me?

a year ago

AP Calculus AB and BC are the two primary Advanced Placement (AP) Calculus courses offered by the College Board. While there isn't an official AP Calculus 3 offered by the College Board, the term "Calculus 3" typically refers to the next level of calculus taken after AP Calculus BC, which is called Multivariable Calculus (also known as Calculus III) in college.

Some high schools might offer a Multivariable Calculus course, but it would not be an official AP course, and you wouldn't be able to take an AP Exam for it. Instead, it's considered a college-level course in high school.

a year ago

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