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Questbridge College Prep Scholars program - how does it work?

I've heard about the Questbridge College Prep Scholars program and I'm considering applying. Can someone who participated in the program before share their experiences? What sort of resources and support were provided to participants?

a year ago

As someone familiar with the Questbridge College Prep Scholars program, I can provide you with a general overview of the program and what resources are available to participants.

The Questbridge College Prep Scholars program is designed to give high-achieving, low-income high school juniors a strong foundation to apply for college, with a specific emphasis on top-tier institutions. While I personally haven't participated in the program, I've seen how beneficial it can be for students who meet the eligibility criteria.

Some of the key benefits associated with the program include:

1. Full scholarships to college summer programs: Many participants receive scholarships to attend summer programs at top colleges like Yale, Stanford, or Emory, where they can take college-level courses and experience campus life.

2. Essay coaching: Participants have access to essay coaching from Questbridge staff, which helps them polish their personal statements and supplemental essays, a critical component of the college application.

3. College application guidance: The program offers personalized college admissions advice and assistance with college lists, Common App strategy, and more. This guidance enables students to navigate the application process with confidence and make well-informed decisions about where to apply.

4. Test preparation: The program provides resources for standardized test preparation, like the SAT or ACT, which helps students improve their scores and better their chances of receiving scholarships or gaining admission to selective schools.

5. College visits and conferences: Participating students may have the opportunity to visit college campuses or attend Questbridge conferences where they can network with admissions officers, learn more about the financial aid process, and gain insights into the college application process.

6. Peer support: The program connects students with a community of high-achieving, like-minded peers, which not only offers support throughout the application process but can also create lifelong connections.

7. Applying to the National College Match: As a College Prep Scholar, you'll be better prepared to apply for the Questbridge National College Match program during your senior year, which offers the chance to receive a full scholarship to partner colleges.

Please note that the benefits of participation may vary on a case-by-case basis, but the program generally provides extensive support and resources for students. You should definitely consider applying to the Questbridge College Prep Scholars program if you meet the criteria and are aiming to attend a top-tier institution. Good luck!

a year ago

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