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Do I need scholarships if I enlist in the military?

I'm considering enlisting in the military right after high school. Are scholarships something I should pursue before enlisting, or are there different funding options available for education through the military itself?

11 hours ago

Yes, in certain cases scholarships could still be helpful if you're planning on joining the military, but there are also various education benefits offered by the military that can fund your education.

For example, the military has the Post-9/11 GI Bill, which provides up to 36 months of education benefits, including tuition, fees, book stipends, and housing allowances. This could cover a significant portion, if not all, of your higher education costs after your service in the military.

There’s also the Montgomery GI Bill, another program that aids service members in paying for education and training programs.

Another possibility is the Tuition Assistance program. Each military branch has its own TA program, and while specifics may vary slightly, most offer to cover up to 100% of tuition expenses for qualifying service members.

You may also explore ROTC scholarships. These scholarships often cover the full cost of tuition and include book allowances and stipends. In return, you're expected to commit to a specified period of active duty military service after graduation.

However, remember that military education benefits mainly apply to your education after your service. If you're looking at getting an education before you enlist, or if you anticipate extra educational expenses that won’t be covered by these military benefits, scholarships can still be valuable. They can give you more options for school choice, program selection, and living accommodations.

In short, it's about balancing your options and understanding your own unique needs and priorities. Military education benefits are quite comprehensive, but like any plan, it depends on individual circumstances, potential extra expenses, and your projected timeline for education. So, keeping scholarships as an option is a good idea.

11 hours ago

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