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Looking for WashU essay examples for inspiration!

Hi everyone! I'm working on my WashU application and I'm searching for some successful essay examples to inspire me. Does anyone have examples of their essays that got them accepted or any resources where I can find some? Thanks so much!

a year ago

Hi there! It's definitely helpful to read successful essays as a source of inspiration when working on your own application. CollegeVine has an article featuring a real WashU essay submitted by an accepted student, as well as feedback on what worked well and what could potentially be improved upon:

Also check out CollegeVine's article breaking down the WashU prompts to help you write the best essay you can:

Please remember that these examples should only serve as inspiration, not a template to copy. Successful essays have unique perspectives and voices, so make sure your essay reflects your individual experiences and personality. My best advice is to focus on what makes you stand out and let your passion shine through your writing. Good luck on your WashU application!

a year ago

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