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Does Ehlers Danlos affect military enlistment?

I've got Ehlers-Danlos syndrome and was wondering if that disqualifies me from enlisting in the military. Is it a factor they consider during the medical examination process?

10 hours ago

Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome (EDS) might affect your ability to enlist in the military, but it largely depends on the specifics of your case. When joining the military, there's an extensive physical examination known as the Military Entrance Processing Station (MEPS) examination. This physical is conducted to ensure that applicants are physically capable and medically fit to serve.

EDS, being a connective tissue disorder that can potentially affect mobility and musculoskeletal health, might be a potential disqualification during the medical evaluation phase of the enlistment process. However, the impact of EDS varies widely from person to person. Some might experience mild symptoms, while others may face more significant health challenges.

The Department of Defense (DOD) Medical Standards for Military Enlistment doesn't explicitly list EDS as a disqualifying condition, but any condition that significantly affects your ability to successfully perform military duties can be grounds for disqualification.

Enlisting with a medical condition can sometimes be possible through waivers, depending on the severity and impact of the condition as well as the needs of the armed service in question. It's worth noting that obtaining a medical waiver isn't guaranteed and is evaluated on a case-by-case basis.

In your situation, I would suggest making contact with a local military recruiting office for more direct advice on your eligibility. They might be able to offer guidance specific to your branch of interest and your particular circumstance. At the same time, it will be essential to have a clear conversation with your healthcare provider about the potential impacts of military service on your health, given the physical demands of such a commitment. They can provide you with a realistic assessment and potentially liaise with military medical personnel during your evaluation process.

10 hours ago

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