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What's the current pay for enlisted military members?

Considering enlisting in the military after high school, but I'm curious about the financial side. What's the current pay structure for enlisted members? How does it compare to what officers earn?

10 hours ago

The basic pay for enlisted military members is based on both rank and the length of service. As of 2024, the monthly pay for an enlisted service member at the lowest rank (E-1) with less than two years of service is around $1,865. From there, compensation will increase with each promotion in rank and each additional length-of-service milestone. For example, an E-5 (Sergeant in the Army, for instance) with six years of service makes around $3,601 per month, and an E-9 (Sergeant Major in the Army) with over 20 years of service makes around $7,472 per month.

Officers, on the other hand, are paid at a higher rate due to their greater responsibilities and the requirement of a bachelor's degree for commissioning. The pay for a fresh officer (O-1) with less than two years of service is approximately $3,826 per month.

It's important to remember that base pay is only part of the compensation that military members receive. Housing and food allowances, known as Basic Allowance for Housing (BAH) and Basic Allowance for Subsistence (BAS), are also provided. These allowances vary based on location, rank, and whether the member has dependents. Other benefits can include health care, retirement pay, tuition assistance, and more.

Keep in mind that these figures can change annually, so it's always best to check the current Department of Defense pay scale for the most up-to-date numbers.

10 hours ago

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