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How can I find jobs with a high school diploma at USPS?

I'm a high school junior and thinking about applying for jobs at USPS once I graduate. What kind of positions are available for someone with just a high school diploma, and what are the requirements?

12 hours ago

Several positions within the United States Postal Service (USPS) require only a high school diploma, or its equivalent, for eligibility. The Mail Carrier, Mail Handler, and Postal Clerk positions, for example, are often ideal for high school graduates as they don't demand extensive specialized training or higher education degrees.

However, irrespective of the position, there are a few common minimum requirements set by USPS that you'll need to meet. These include being a U.S. citizen or permanent resident, being at least 18 years old (or 16 years old with a high school diploma), and having basic English proficiency. Certain roles, like the Mail Carrier, may also require a valid driver's license.

The application process is mainly online through the USPS Careers portal. Once you've identified a position of interest in your area, you'll need to create an account on the site to fill out and submit your application. If your application is considered, you may then be required to take an entrance exam, like Exam 473 for mail carriers and clerical positions, which assesses your ability to check addresses and complete forms, among other tasks.

Remember, it's also important to consider physical demands of the role. For instance, Mail Carriers often need to lift heavy mailbags and walk or drive for long periods.

Finally, gain as much work experience as you can while still in high school. This could come from part-time jobs, internships, or volunteering—anything that helps you develop skills such as responsibility, teamwork, and communication. Although not mandatory, any work experience could increase your competitiveness as a candidate.

It's worth noting that many USPS employees began their careers right out of high school, so it's certainly a feasible path for you to consider. Best of luck with your job search!

12 hours ago

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