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Tips for creating a high school job resume

I'm trying to put together a resume for my first part-time job, but I'm not sure what to include since my work experience is pretty limited. How much do activities and volunteer work matter, and should I include references?

13 hours ago

Creating a high school resume might seem challenging due to the limited work experience, but you have more to include than you might think! Here's what you can consider to make a compelling resume:

Header: Your header should include your full name, phone number, and a professional email address.

Objective Statement: Since you lack work experience, an objective statement can be useful to state what you hope to gain from the job and what skills you bring to the position. This generally is one-two sentences long.

Education: Include your high school name, city, state, and anticipated graduation year. If your GPA is 3.0 or higher, you can list it to highlight your academic success, although this isn't required.

Activities/Extracurriculars: Yes, they matter! Part-time jobs for high school students often look for soft skills like teamwork or leadership. If you were part of clubs, teams, or other extracurricular activities that required you to develop these skills, definitely list those. For each activity, mention your role and any key responsibilities or achievements. Remember, quality matters more than quantity.

Volunteer Work/Community Service: Again, yes, include these! Volunteer work shows commitment, community involvement, and often involves skills that can translate into a job setting.

Skills: Include any relevant skills you possess. These can include communication skills, leadership, problem-solving, and any technical skills you may possess that might be relevant to the job such as proficiency in a specific software program.

References: It's not necessary to list references on your resume unless the job application specifically asks for them. However, it's a good idea to have a separate list of two or three individuals who can speak positively about your character, and work ethic. Make sure to get their permission first and provide the list only if asked during the application process.

Remember, employers, understand that high school students may not have much work experience. They're looking for reliable, hard-working individuals who show they can balance responsibilities, be it through school, activities, or volunteer work. Good luck!

13 hours ago

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