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What are the basic requirements for enlisting in the military?

I'm considering enlisting in the military after high school but I'm not sure about all the requirements. Can someone break down the basic things I need in order to enlist? Thanks!

12 hours ago

Eligibility requirements may vary slightly based on the branch of military service you're considering (Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, Coast Guard, or Space Force), but here's a general rundown of the basic requirements:

1. U.S. Citizenship or Permanent Residency: You must be a U.S. Citizen, or a foreign citizen with a Permanent Resident Card (often called a "Green Card"). In some cases, non-citizens may enlist, but there may be restrictions on job roles or advancement.

2. Age: For most branches, you must be between 17 (with parental consent) or 18 without it and 39 years old. Note that each branch has a different maximum age and that some specific job roles may have stricter age limits.

3. Physical Fitness: You must pass the military's physical exam, which includes fitness tests and a medical exam. The specifics vary by branch, but generally include cardiovascular fitness, strength, and flexibility assessments.

4. Education: Generally, a high school diploma is required. Some branches may accept a GED but preference is typically given to those with a high school diploma.

5. Moral Character: Felony convictions can disqualify you from military service. The military runs background checks, and considers factors like criminal history, drug use, and financial history.

6. ASVAB Test: You need to take the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) test. Your scores on this test help determine your job role in the military.

Remember this list only includes the basics. There can be many other factors that influence whether or not you qualify to enlist in the military. It's recommended to discuss your individual circumstances with a recruiter for more detailed information.

12 hours ago

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