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How to find summer jobs and internships for high school students?

I'm a high school junior looking for summer work or an internship to gain some experience and make a bit of money. Any suggestions on where to start looking for opportunities that are student-friendly?

12 hours ago

Numerous resources are available for high school students seeking summer jobs or internships. Here are some tips and starting points:

1. Local Businesses: Starting with your local community could be a great way to find a part-time job or internship. Small businesses, cafes, bookstores, or your local library may be willing to hire high school students. Don't overlook opportunities like babysitting, dog walking, or lawn mowing, which are all solid ways to gain responsibility and earn money.

2. Community Centers/YMCA: Facilities such as community centers or branches of the YMCA often hire high school students. From lifeguarding to assisting in organizing activities, these offer a variety of options.

3. School Guidance Office: Your school's guidance office may have information about available part-time jobs or internships specifically for students. They could also advise you on positions that previous students have found success with.

4. Career-Oriented Events: High schools often hold career fairs that include both colleges and potential employers. These can be a great way to learn about work and internship opportunities.

5. Appily: You can use platforms like Appily as a resource to find scholarships and internships. They provide an extensive database and can be a one-stop-shop for finding opportunities.

6. Job Platforms: Websites like Indeed and SnagAJob are frequent go-tos for finding part-time job listings. There are even sites like that are specifically designed for finding internships.

7. Networking: Don't underestimate the importance of talking to friends, family, or teachers about your search. They may have connections or know of opportunities that you hadn't considered.

Remember, consistency is key. Searching for opportunities can sometimes feel like a job itself, but with persistence, you'll be able to find something that suits your skills and interests.

12 hours ago

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