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Can I enlist in the military before starting college?

I've been thinking about joining the military right after high school, but I'm also considering college. What are the pros and cons of choosing to enlist in the military before going to college, and how will it impact my future education plans?

12 hours ago

Sure, enlisting in the military prior to starting college is definitely a viable path and can offer numerous advantages. However, it also comes with some considerations that might impact your decision.


1. Financial Benefit: You can take advantage of programs like the G.I. Bill, which could cover a substantial part of your college tuition after your term of service, thereby reducing or even eliminating the need for student loans.

2. Skills and Experience: Service in the military can provide you with unique and valuable experiences and skills that could be significant for your future career and personal life.

3. Time to Consider Your Options: You'll have additional time to consider your intended field of study and what you wish to pursue in college.


1. Delayed Entry: Depending upon your service contract, you may delay enrolling in college by several years. This could also mean you graduate several years later than your high school peers.

2. Unpredictable Environment: Depending on global situations, your plans could be dramatically shifted by requirements for active duty deployments.

3. Transition: Returning to a classroom environment after a period of time in the military might require some adjustment.

As to how this will impact your future education plans, military service often provides a structured pathway to future education, with time to decide what course of study you wish to pursue. Many colleges have resources and considerations for veterans, such as dedicated offices for veteran affairs and applications processes that accommodates veterans.

It's important to remember that this is a significant decision and it highlights a trade-off between immediate service and delayed education. You should reflect on what's important to you and what aligns best with your long-term goals. Speak with recruiters, individuals who've served, and school counselors to get a comprehensive understanding of what to expect from both pathways.

12 hours ago

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