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What's the percent of the US population that is enlisted in the military?

I'm trying to get a sense of how many Americans are serving in the military compared to the total population. Does anyone know what percentage of the U.S. population is currently enlisted?

12 hours ago

As of recent data, roughly 0.4% of the U.S. population is on active duty in the military. To get this figure, you'd compare the approximate number of active-duty personnel (about 1.3 million, according to the Department of Defense) to the total U.S. population (about 331 million as per the U.S. Census Bureau). As this number fluctuates slightly, it's always a good idea to look up the most up-to-date figures for the most accurate comparison.

While this may seem like a very small number, it does not count reservists, those in the National Guard, and retired military personnel. Factoring in reserve and National Guard Forces, you can add about approximately 811,000 individuals, based on the most recent Defense Manpower Data Center statistics. Remember, these numbers can vary slightly year by year due to recruitments, retirements, and other factors.

12 hours ago

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