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Job options for high school students?

Hey! I'm considering getting a job while I'm still in high school. What kind of jobs should I be looking for where the hours are flexible for students and still help me build some skills?

12 hours ago

There are several jobs that high school students can consider that offer flexible hours and the opportunity to build new skills. These include:

- Retail jobs: Most retail stores offer part-time positions and are used to working with students with limited availability. These jobs can help you build customer service and problem-solving skills.

- Tutoring: If you excel in a particular subject, consider offering your services as a tutor. This could be through a tutoring company, or you could freelance. Not only does this job work around your school schedule, but it can also help you improve your knowledge in the subject areas you tutor.

- Babysitting or Pet sitting: These jobs tend to have flexible hours and allow you to build dependability and responsibility.

- Food Service jobs: This could be a job at a restaurant, a coffee shop, or a local fast-food joint. Food service jobs can provide good customer service experience and often have flexible hours.

- Internships or work-study programs: Some companies, especially those with ties to high schools or colleges, offer internships or work-study programs for students. These not only provide practical work experience but also could potentially offer a foot in the door to a career path of interest.

Remember, it's important to consider not only the flexibility of the hours but also how this job could contribute to your overall growth. The skills you learn and the experiences you have in this job could end up being a valuable part of your college applications and future career pursuits.

12 hours ago

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