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Pathway from enlisted military to FBI: What's the process?

I'm thinking about enlisting in the military but eventually want to work for the FBI. Does anyone know what the best approach is for making that transition? Is military experience valued by the FBI?

12 hours ago

Military experience is indeed valued by the FBI. Many skills developed in the military, such as leadership, integrity, teamwork and discipline are highly sought after in the Bureau. When considering a career with the FBI, there are a few points you might want to take into account:

1. Minimum Requirements for the FBI: To even be considered for the special agent position within the FBI, you'll need to fulfill some basic requirements including being a U.S. citizen, being between the ages of 23 and 37 (although there are some exceptions for military and federal police veterans), having a bachelor's degree, and having at least two to three years of professional work experience, among others.

2. Training and Specialization in the Military: Serving in a sector of the military that aligns with the FBI's priorities could make you a more attractive candidate. For instance, gaining experience in intelligence, cybersecurity, or language skills could be beneficial. Try to take advantage of all the training, education opportunities, and security clearances that come your way.

3. Education: While fulfilling your service requirements in the military, consider what degree might be beneficial for your future career in the FBI. A degree in Criminal Justice, Cybersecurity, or Foreign Languages, for example, could be valuable.

4. Physical Fitness: The FBI has stringent physical fitness standards, so keeping in peak physical condition during your military service and afterwards will be crucial.

5. Apply to the FBI: After your military career and once you have met the minimum requirements, you can apply to the FBI. The application process involves several steps including an online application, physical fitness test, and background investigation.

Remember, with the Veterans' Preference, doing a stint in the military could positively influence your application to the FBI. It's also worth noting that the FBI frequently hosts career fairs for active-duty military personnel interested in transitioning to civilian careers, so keep an eye out for those opportunities. Best of luck with your career goals!

12 hours ago

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