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What does 'high school or equivalent' mean when job seeking?

I'm trying to figure out what 'high school or equivalent' means when I'm looking for jobs. Does this mean just a diploma or a GED, or could it mean something else too?

14 hours ago

In the context of a job application, when it says 'high school or equivalent', it typically refers to either having a high school diploma or a General Education Development (GED) certificate. Both of these indicate that a candidate has a certain level of knowledge and skills commonly taught in high school.

A high school diploma is awarded to students who have successfully completed a specific course of study at a high school. This usually involves completing a set number of credits in various subjects over four years.

On the other hand, a GED certificate is earned by passing the GED Test, which measures knowledge in math, science, social studies, and language arts. This test is designed for individuals who did not complete high school and is often considered to be equivalent to a high school diploma.

It's also worth noting that certain job-training certificates or trade qualifications may sometimes be considered equivalent to a high school diploma. This can depend on the individual job and employer. For example, completion of an apprenticeship in a specialized trade might meet the 'high school diploma or equivalent' prerequisite in the context of jobs related to that trade. However, these are exceptions and not the norm. In most cases, when an employer lists 'high school or equivalent' in the job requirements, they are primarily referring to either a high school diploma or a GED certificate.

14 hours ago

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