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Pros and cons of enlisting in the military after college?

I'm on track to finish college soon and I'm thinking about enlisting in the military afterward. What are some advantages and disadvantages of enlisting after getting a degree? Is there a specific path for college grads?

15 hours ago

Enlisting in the military after graduating from college certainly has its pros and cons, similar to any postgraduate decision.


1. Higher Entry Level: With a college degree, you may be eligible to enter the military as a commissioned officer rather than an enlisted soldier, which comes with increased responsibility, pay, and benefits.

2. Training & Skills: The military provides unique training in many fields which can benefit your civilian career post-service. Your leadership abilities can significantly improve through these trainings.

3. Benefits: The military offers excellent benefits including healthcare, retirement plans, and GI Bills that can pay for advanced education or training.

4. Service & Stability: Serving in the military also provides a sense of service to the nation, structure, and job stability that few other professions offer.


1. Risk & Sacrifice: Military service inherently involves risk, including the risk of combat, injury, and even death. It also often entails time away from family and loved ones due to deployments.

2. Limited control over location: You generally don't have the freedom to choose your location or job as you might in the civilian world. The military decides when and where you move.

3. Structure & Hierarchy: The military has a very specific, hierarchical structure and culture which may be challenging for some. It requires acceptance of authority and disciplines that may differ from civilian work environments.

Specifically for college graduates, the military offers Officer Candidate School (OCS) or Officer Training School (OTS), which prepares degree holders for leadership roles in the military. Some branches, such as the Navy and Air Force, also have Direct Commission Officer programs for individuals in particular professions like doctors or lawyers. These are paths to consider for individuals enlisting after obtaining their degree.

The decision to enlist in the military is a personal and significant one, and I recommend you do thorough research and consultation with military recruitment officers, veterans, and career guidance professionals before making a move.

15 hours ago

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