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What high school jobs pay well?

I'm a high school student trying to save some cash, and I'm curious about which part-time jobs pay the best. Are there any high school jobs that offer better pay than others? I'd love to hear any personal recommendations or experiences!

15 hours ago

There are indeed several part-time jobs high school students can take up that offer more than the minimum wage. Remember, however, that the amount you earn can differ greatly depending on where you live and the specific opportunity.

1. Tutoring: If you excel in a particular subject, you may consider offering tutoring services. Tutors can earn significantly more than minimum wage, especially in sought-after subjects like Mathematics, Science, or test prep for SAT/ACT.

2. Lifeguarding: During summer months, positions for certified lifeguards, particularly at pools and beaches, can pay significantly more than jobs in retail or restaurants. You'd need to learn CPR and first aid, but a lifeguarding certification is often a worthy investment.

3. Sales Clerk in High-End Retail: Some upscale retail stores may offer wages above the minimum, plus a commission on sales. Keep in mind, though, that you'll likely need to work some evenings and weekends.

4. Internships: Some skilled positions, particularly those involved in software, marketing, and engineering, might offer internships that pay very well. You'd have the added bonus of gaining experience in a field you're interested in.

5. Babysitting or Child Care: If you're good with kids, babysitting is often a flexible way to make good money.

6. Pet Setting or Dog Walking: This job is perfect for animal lovers and can also pay quite well in the right neighborhoods.

When finding a job, don't forget to think beyond the hourly wage to benefits such as flexible hours, skill-building, and room for advancement. These additional perks may add value well beyond your paycheck.

15 hours ago

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