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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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What Is the Maximum Age for Military Enlistment?

I'm looking into the military but worried about age limits. Does anyone know what the maximum age is for enlisting? Does this vary by branch?

13 hours ago

Absolutely, the maximum age for military enlistment does vary by each branch of the military. As of now, here are the maximum ages by branch:

Army: 35 years old.

Navy: 41 years old.

Marine Corps: 28 years old, but age waivers are considered between the ages of 29 to 34.

Air Force: 42 years old.

Coast Guard: 41 years old.

Space Force: For enlistment, they follow the Air Force rules, so the current maximum age is 42. It's a relatively new branch, so it's advisable to reach out to a local recruiter to double-check the most recent information.

Remember, these are just current age limits and can be subject to change. It's always best to contact recruiters from the branch you're interested in for the most up-to-date information. They can also give you specifics about the enlistment process, the types of roles you could take on, and the additional criteria you need to meet beyond the age limit.

13 hours ago

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