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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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How to Deal With Anxiety About Enlisting in the Military?

I'm considering enlisting in the military but I've been feeling a bit anxious about the decision and all it entails. Has anyone else felt this way, and how did you manage the stress?

14 hours ago

Firstly, it's completely natural to feel anxious when considering such a significant life decision like enlisting in the military. This choice comes with many implications for both your personal and professional future.

One way to manage the anxiety surrounding your decision is to seek out well-researched information about what being in the military entails. Explore the military's official websites or reach out to current or former military members to get a clearer picture of what your life might look like post-enlistment. By education yourself and gathering data, you're likely to feel more secure in your decision.

A great thing would be to engage with military supportive communities. These could be local veterans' groups or online forums where you can converse with individuals who have had similar experiences. Hearing directly from people who have lived through the same situations can be incredibly reassuring and provide a sense of community.

Seeking professional help such as a counselor may also be a beneficial step. They can offer strategies to deal with the anxiety and stress surrounding a decision of this magnitude.

Moreover, self-care activities play a significant role in managing stress. These can include regular exercise, a balanced diet, getting enough sleep, and setting aside time for activities that you enjoy.

Remember that it's okay to be uncertain and take your time. This is a big decision, and it's necessary to give yourself ample time to contemplate your options before making a final decision.

14 hours ago

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