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Are there job aptitude tests for high school students?

I’m interested in discovering careers I might be good at. Are there specific job aptitude tests for high school students that can help guide us toward suitable career paths or industries?

14 hours ago

Yes, there are several job aptitude tests available to high school students that can help determine what careers might be a good match for their skills, interests, and personality traits.

One such test is the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI), which helps identify personality traits and preferences that can be matched to potential careers. The Holland Code (RIASEC) test is another common method and is designed to match your interests with potential professions, using the codes: Realistic, Investigative, Artistic, Social, Enterprising, and Conventional.

However, do bear in mind two things. First, these tests aren't 'be-all and end-all' answers. They can provide helpful insights, but they shouldn't limit your exploration of other fields that might not initially come up. For instance, you might find you have an aptitude for real estate management through the MBTI, even though you've never considered it before - but that doesn't mean you can't explore other areas too. Second, professional growth is a continuous process, and what suits you at the moment may evolve as you develop new skills and interests. So, always be open to change and evolution in your career path.

Lastly, consult with your school's guidance/career counselors. They may have insights or access to more resources that can provide further guidance in your career exploration journey.

14 hours ago

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