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What are some opportunities for high school summer jobs in Washington?

I'm planning ahead for summer, and I'm interested in finding a summer job in Washington. Does anyone know of any good opportunities for high school students that year? Looking for something that would be a good experience and maybe build some skills.

14 hours ago

As a high school student, you are on the right track to plan your priorities for the summer. Here in Washington, there are many summer job opportunities that might help you gain hands-on experience while also developing a skillset that will be beneficial in the future.

Retail is often a good starting point for high school students, and Washington is home to a number of well-known retailers where you could apply for a job. Big retailers usually have structured training programs for their staff, so you would gain not only customer service skills but also an understanding of other aspects like inventory management, merchandising, etc. At stores like Nordstrom or REI, you'd likely be trained to handle a variety of retail-oriented tasks.

Restaurants and coffee shops are also a good choice for part-time summer jobs. Whether it's a position at a local cafe like Cherry Street Coffee House, or a chain like Starbucks, these roles can offer flexible hours and teach customer service skills along with time management.

If you're more interested in outdoor activities, consider positions at summer camps. Many have jobs in fields such as sports instruction, leadership for younger kids, or even behind-the-scenes roles like camp administration. Wild Waves Theme & Water Park could be another option where you can work in various capacities while getting to enjoy the fun atmosphere.

Lastly, babysitting or dog walking could be an ideal role if you prefer more flexibility in your hours and enjoy working directly with people or pets. Websites like often have listings for these types of positions in Washington, which would also let you set your own rates and hours.

Remember to start applying as soon as postings become available—some employers start hiring for the summer as early as spring. As a minor, there may be work permit requirements or restrictions on the hours you can work, so make sure to look into those as well. Best of luck in your search!

14 hours ago

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