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Timeline for departure after military enlistment

If I enlist in the military, how quickly can I expect to depart for basic training? I'm trying to figure out how it fits with my high school graduation schedule and any other commitments I might have.

15 hours ago

The timeline for departing for basic training after enlisting can vary significantly depending on the branch of service you're enlisting in, as well as your chosen job, or military occupational specialty (MOS). On average, you may have to wait a few months between signing your contract and leaving for basic training.

Typically, the process begins with a meeting with a recruiter and the entry of your information into the Military Entrance Processing Station (MEPS). Once you've chosen your MOS, passed your tests, and cleared medical exams, you'll sign your contract, which will include your ship-out date.

The waiting period between signing the contract and shipping out can be as short as a few days or as long as a year, although the average range is between 1-3 months. During this time, you may have regular check-ins with your recruiter and you might be encouraged to use the time to get in physical shape and learn more about military procedures.

You will want to plan carefully with your recruiter. Given that you have just graduated high school, they would take this into consideration when setting your ship-out date, to ensure that you have time to celebrate your graduation and make necessary preparations.

It's extremely important to maintain open communication with your recruiter throughout this process, especially if you have other commitments to consider. This will help to avoid any scheduling conflicts. A good tip would be to sign your contract as soon as possible after deciding to enlist, to allow for the most flexibility with your departure date.

15 hours ago

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