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Exploring Jobs Right Out of High School?

What are some good job options available straight out of high school? I'm more interested in starting a career rather than just finding a job. I'm wondering which industries typically hire high school graduates.

14 hours ago

There are many paths to success and university is just one of them. There are multiple sectors where one can start building a meaningful career right after high school, so let's explore a bit:

1. Trade jobs: Trades are an excellent career path. These include electricians, plumbers, HVAC technicians, carpenters, and welders. Many offer apprenticeships where you can earn while you learn. Additionally, these jobs often pay well and are in high demand.

2. Retail and sales: While retail jobs are often entry-level, they can lead to management positions and beyond. Learning customer service, inventory management, and sales can provide a strong foundation for a business career.

3. Military service: Joining the military can be a pathway to a long-term career. In addition to gaining diverse training and experiences, military servicemembers can receive education benefits and have secure retirement options.

4. Information Technology (IT): IT is an industry with great potential. Even without a degree, there are numerous entry-level jobs such as help desk support or junior web developers. Certifications, which can be obtained outside a traditional university setting, also play a big part in this field.

5. Healthcare: Certain entry-level positions in healthcare, like certified nursing assistants (CNAs) or medical assistants, require only short training programs. These roles can offer a good starting point for someone interested in the healthcare field.

6. Emergency services: Jobs in emergency services, like firefighter or EMT, typically require a high school diploma and specific training courses. These roles offer not only a steady income but also a chance to serve your community.

Remember, the most beneficial job will depend on your interests and long-term career goals. While starting a job straight out of high school, keep in mind the benefits of additional certifications or education in your chosen field, to help you progress further.

14 hours ago

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