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What are the job opportunities for high schoolers in Winston-Salem?

I'm a high school junior looking for part-time work in Winston-Salem. Are there any particular companies or industries that hire high schoolers regularly? Any tips on where to look or how to apply would be appreciated!

a day ago

Winston-Salem has many job opportunities for high school students. The city has a variety of industries ranging from retail and food service to tourism, which often hire part-time high school workers.

Firstly, retail is a popular choice for high school students. Companies like Walmart, Target, and local clothing stores usually have part-time positions like cashiers and sales associates. Tasks typically include assisting customers, pricing items, and keeping the store tidy. You can apply directly on their websites or in person.

Secondly, Winston-Salem is home to a plethora of restaurants and fast-food chains. These establishments often hire high school students for front-of-house roles, like bussers or hosts, and sometimes for kitchen roles like dishwashers. You might check local establishments like Village Tavern or national fast food chains like McDonald's.

Thirdly, the city has a strong tourist presence with many hotels and landmarks like the Old Salem Museum and Gardens, so you could look out for part-time roles in these places. Positions can range from tour guide roles to front desk jobs at hotels.

Finally, grocery store positions are also a solid choice. Stores like Harris Teeter, Aldi, and Food Lion typically have part-time roles that can be perfect for a high school student's schedule.

Applying for these jobs usually entails filling out an application online or in person. Make sure to prepare a simple resume that outlines any previous work experience, volunteer roles, or skills you have that could be relevant. If you don't have much work experience, don't worry. Employers understand that high school students are at the start of their careers. They often look for applicants who exhibit reliability, good communication skills, and a willingness to learn.

Remember, it's essential to discuss a new job with your parents or guardians to ensure you can manage work alongside your school responsibilities. Keep studying a high priority even while working.

Good luck with your job hunt!

a day ago

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