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US Military Enlistment Statistics

Where can I find some up-to-date statistics on US military enlistment? I'm interested in trends or common characteristics of people who enlist right after high school.

a day ago

There are a few sources where you can find up-to-date statistics on US military enlistment. I'd suggest starting with the Department of Defense (DoD) which releases annual demographic reports on the US military. These reports include state of residence, age, education level, and many other factors for both active duty and reserve components.

For a segue into trends and common characteristics, you might consider the RAND Corporation. They periodically publish research reports on military recruitment which may include trends and factors influencing enlisting decisions, such as the economy or societal statuses like high school graduates.

Additionally, the United States Census Bureau often compiles data relevant to military enlistment. The American Community Survey (ACS) includes variables about military service which you could correlate with their numerous other data points to build a comprehensive understanding of enlistment trends.

Lastly, the US Bureau of Labor Statistics might offer contrasting labor market trends and overall economic context useful to interpret enlistment trends, especially among high school graduates.

Just to note, the data can be quite broad, so consider honing in on specific branches of the military or focusing on particular demographic characteristics for a narrower view.

a day ago

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