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How does job shadowing work for high school students?

Can anyone explain what job shadowing is like for high school students? I'm considering it to get a feel for different careers, but I'm not sure what to expect or how to find opportunities.

a day ago

Job shadowing for high school students is an opportunity for you to observe professionals in your field of interest as they go about their day-to-day tasks. This gives you a real-world sense of what it’s like to work in a certain job. It's valuable for high school students because you can see first-hand if a career suits your interests and skills before investing time and resources into it.

When it comes to what to expect, it depends on the particular job, but usually, you'll accompany an employee during their workday to see what duties their role entails. You may sit in on meetings, learn about different tasks and projects, and have the chance to ask professional questions about their career path and experiences. In some instances, you might even be allowed to participate in basic tasks, under the supervision of the professional.

Finding opportunities for job shadowing usually involves a bit of networking. Start by reaching out to family friends, relatives, or neighbors who work in the field you're interested in. Teachers and school counselors can also be great resources. If your school has a career center, they may have professional connections or organized job shadow programs you can take advantage of.

When reaching out to potential professionals to shadow, it’s courteous to send a polite, professional email explaining who you are, what interests you about your career, and why you’d like to shadow them. You would also ask if they have availability for you to job shadow and how that process would work.

Remember, job shadowing is essentially an extended informational interview - come prepared with questions and take notes to maximize your learning experience. Underlying all this, be professional, punctual, and respectful of the professional's time and space. Learning firsthand from a professional is not only an opportunity to confirm your career interests but also a chance to build relationships and network within your desired field.

a day ago

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