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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Top Jobs for High School Grads to Consider?

I'm graduating soon and considering my options if I decide not to attend college immediately. What are some top job prospects for high school graduates? I'd love to hear about careers that offer good learning and growth opportunities!

a day ago

Sure, here are some job options for high school graduates that could provide good learning and growth opportunities:

1. Sales Representative: Retail, car sales, or other types of sales can offer good income potential and interpersonal skills development. It also paves the way for managerial positions in the long term.

2. Trade Jobs: High-demand fields like electrician, plumber, car mechanic, and HVAC technician can be accessed via an apprenticeship or vocational training. These careers often have clear advancement paths and strong income potential.

3. Medical Occupations: Entry-level jobs in healthcare such as medical assistants, pharmacy technicians, or certified nursing assistants can be an excellent start. They require minimal certification and offer a path for further advancement in the field.

4. Administrative Assistant: This role can start a pathway into many corporate jobs. Additionally, by working closely with business professionals, you can develop a range of skills from project management to customer service.

5. Military: Enlisting can provide valuable training, steady pay, and potential for educational benefits in the long term.

Just remember, whatever job you choose, investing in continuous learning and skill development on the job or outside will always enhance your prospects. Always look for opportunities that align with your interests and strengths for long-term job satisfaction!

a day ago

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