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What's the process for enlisting in the military post-9/11?

I'm curious about how military enlistment changed following 9/11. Are there any policies or procedures that are different now compared to before, and how might these affect someone looking to enlist today?

a day ago

In the aftermath of 9/11, there were several changes to military enlistment policies and procedures. Its effects can be seen in the daily lives of service members and those who are seeking to join the military today.

Increased security checks: One of the major differences following 9/11 is the increase in both the depth and breadth of the security checks and clearances for recruits. These can encompass criminal background checks, checks against terrorism watch lists, and more detailed drug use checks. This may affect potential enlistees who have past legal issues or drug use, as it could complicate their enlistment process.

A rise in patriotism and enlistment: 9/11 sparked a surge of patriotism in the United States, which led to a significant surge in enlistment. While this intense influx has since leveled off, potential enlistees should still understand that the military services are often selective, as they have a large pool of applicants to choose from.

Enhanced benefits: Post-9/11, the government has also enhanced the benefits offered to military servicemen and women as part of their enlistment. The Post-9/11 GI Bill, for instance, provides education benefits to service members and veterans who have served at least 90 days of active duty since September 10, 2001. It covers tuition, housing, and books, and it is a powerful incentive for many seeking to enlist in the military.

Age and physical requirements: These have remained largely constant, though the armed forces do periodically revise standards based on the need for recruits. The minimum age to enlist is still 17 with parental consent or 18 without it. All branches of the military have height, weight, and physical fitness requirements that all enlistees must meet.

On a broader level, the attacks on 9/11 have led to long-standing conflicts in places like Afghanistan and Iraq, which potential enlistees should be aware of as they may be called upon for deployment in such areas.

In summary, while many of the basic tenets of military enlistment have remained the same, the impacts of 9/11 can still be felt in the procedural aspects of joining the military, as well as the expectations and experiences of those who enlist. For anyone interested in serving, I highly recommend speaking with a recruiter who can provide the most current information on enlistment criteria and procedures.

a day ago

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