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Virginia's top colleges for biology?

I'm trying to figure out which colleges in Virginia have the best biology programs. Does anyone know which schools offer strong courses and research opportunities for biology majors?

a day ago

If you're looking for a strong biology program in the state of Virginia, there are several colleges worth your consideration.

The University of Virginia (UVA) in Charlottesville is renowned for its solid programs in the biological sciences. It offers various biological research opportunities in areas such as genetics, microbiology, and cellular biology, to name a few.

The College of William and Mary in Williamsburg is also excellent. They have a strong undergraduate focus, boasting small class sizes and numerous opportunities for independent research.

Virginia Tech in Blacksburg is known for its robust scientific research opportunities. They have a strong focus on areas like molecular and cellular biology, neurobiology, ecology, and environmental biology.

Lastly, the University of Richmond, a smaller liberal arts college, offers intimate class sizes and close interactions with professors, which is invaluable for any science degree and not always a given at larger department universities. They provide notable research opportunities for undergraduate students too.

Each of these schools has a strong biology program with a diverse range of research opportunities, so take some time to explore each to see which might be the best fit for you.

a day ago

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