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How much is military enlisted base pay in 2024?

I'm planning to enlist in the military after graduation and I'm curious about the base pay for enlisted members in 2024. Any insights or resources to get accurate info?

a day ago

In 2024, the base pay for an enlisted military member largely depends on the rank and the number of years in service. While I do not have up-to-date figures available, according to the Defense Finance and Accounting Service (DFAS), the annual increases in military pay typically correlate with the increase in private-sector wages, as determined by the Department of Labor's Employment Cost Index.

For instance, in 2023, the base pay for an enlisted member at the lowest rank (E-1) with less than 2 years of service was approximately $2,017.20 per month. For an E-5 (Staff Sergeant or Sergeant in the Army, for example) with 6 years of service, the base pay was around $2,942 per month. Note that base pay is only a part of a service member's total income as allowances and special pay can significantly increase this amount.

I would recommend checking the official DFAS website for the most accurate, up-to-date salary figures for 2024. Just remember, your total compensation as an enlisted military member will also include benefits like housing, food allowances, healthcare services, and retirement pension, among others, which could substantially add to your basic pay.

a day ago

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