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What are the age requirements for enlisting in the US military?

I'm considering enlisting after high school, but I'm not sure about the age requirements. Can someone clarify the minimum and maximum ages for joining the US military? Does this vary between different branches?

a day ago

In general, the age requirements for joining the U.S. military are quite similar across all branches: Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, Coast Guard, and Space Force. To enlist, you need to be at least 17 years old. However, if you're 17, you'll need parental consent. If you are 18 or older, you can enlist on your own.

In terms of the upper age limit, this does vary by branch:

- The Army has the highest maximum age, allowing candidates up to age 35.

- The Navy and Coast Guard accept enlistees up to age 41.

- The Marines have a cutoff at age 28.

- The Air Force's maximum age to enlist is 42.

- The Space Force, being the newest branch, follows the Air Force's policies, so their maximum enlistment age is also 42.

These age limits can occasionally be waived for individuals with valuable skills or experience, but such exceptions are rare and granted on a case-by-case basis. Please keep in mind these limits are subject to change and you should directly refer to the respective military recruitment websites or offices for the up-to-date and most accurate information.

a day ago

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