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Best High School Student Jobs in New Hampshire?

For those of you who live in New Hampshire, what are some of the highest paying part-time jobs available for high school students here? I'm looking to save some money and would appreciate any recommendations.

a day ago

Sure, happy to offer some suggestions. Don't forget to consider not just the hourly wage, but also job skills that might be valuable for college applications or future careers.

Retail jobs are generally plentiful and can often be high-paying compared to other student jobs. Some larger stores or upscale retailers might offer higher wages. This line of work also offers valuable customer service experience.

Fast food or restaurant jobs, including positions like a barista or host, can also be high paying, especially if you receive tips. Start by checking out local restaurants or popular franchises such as Starbucks or Chick-Fil-A.

Tutoring can pay handsomely, particularly if you excel in a particular subject or test preparation. This kind of work can also be rewarding as you're helping other students succeed. Advertising your services to neighbors, friends, and family can be a good starting point.

Lifeguarding jobs can also offer a relatively high wage, especially if you're open to working early morning or late-night shifts that others may not want. For these positions, you'd have to be a strong swimmer and get your certification, which involves some cost, so you'd have to factor that into your decision.

Lastly, consider jobs at local tourist attractions like resorts, ski centers, or museums. New Hampshire has an abundance of these and they often have a host of positions they're looking to fill, especially in peak tourist season.

Remember to balance the job with your schoolwork and other commitments. The highest-paying job could demand a bigger time commitment, and you don’t want your grades to suffer as a result.

a day ago

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