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Military Enlisted Pay Changes in 2025

Does anyone know if there are expected changes to military enlisted pay in 2025? I'm planning to enlist after graduation and want to understand how pay might evolve when I join.

a day ago

While there might not be specific details available about military enlisted pay changes for 2025 as these amounts are determined on a year-to-year basis, it's worth noting that military pay typically increases each year to accommodate for cost-of-living adjustments. These adjustments are typically tied to the Employment Cost Index (ECI), a measure of the costs of labor or wages in the US.

For context, in recent years, the annual increases in Military Basic Pay have generally ranged between 1.0% and 3.1%. However, specific figures for 2025 may not be available until closer to that time. These increases are also contingent upon the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) which is passed by Congress each year.

In addition to basic pay, you may also be eligible for allowances for housing and subsistence, which vary depending on your location and whether you have dependents. There are also opportunities for special and incentive pay depending on your job duties and assignments. So, as you plan your military career, it's important to consider these potential earnings as well.

In conclusion, while it's not possible to provide specific figures for military enlisted pay in 2025 at this time, you can expect general increases tied to cost-of-living adjustments and the potential for additional pay through allowances and special incentive payments.

a day ago

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