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UPS Jobs with a High School Diploma

I heard UPS has job opportunities for those with just a high school diploma. Can anyone share what kind of roles are available and what the work environment is like? Would it be a good post-high school option?

17 hours ago

Absolutely, UPS offers a range of positions that are available to those with a high school diploma. Many of these jobs, such as Package Handler, Driver Helper, and Industrial Engineer Co-op, can be a suitable option for someone right out of high school.

As a Package Handler, you would be responsible for loading, unloading, sorting, and scanning packages. This can be physically demanding as it involves lifting and moving heavy boxes.

If you enjoy being on-the-go, the Driver Helper position might be appealing to you. In this job, you assist the driver by delivering packages to homes and businesses. Please note, however, this position is seasonal and typically during the peak holiday periods.

About the work environment, UPS is known to be fast-paced and task-oriented. It can be physically demanding, especially for package handlers and driver helpers. However, they offer benefits including tuition assistance and promotions from within, which makes it an attractive choice for young people starting their career.

Remember, every job will have its pros and cons, and what fits one person might not fit another. It's important to consider your own interest, health, and long-term career goals when choosing a job. Good luck!

17 hours ago

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