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What's the Minimum Age for Military Enlistment in the US?

I'm interested in the military and trying to plan ahead. Does anyone know what the minimum age is to enlist in the United States military? Are there different age requirements for each branch?

16 hours ago

In the United States, the minimum age to enlist in the military for all branches -- Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, Coast Guard, and Space Force -- is 17 years old with parental consent. However, if you're 17, you'll be considered as a junior enlistee and there could be restrictions on the roles for which you can apply.

Without parental consent, you must be at least 18 years old to enlist. It's worth noting that while 17-year-olds may enlist, they cannot be deployed until they reach the age of 18, in line with international military law.

The maximum age for enlistment varies by branch. For example, the Army has an age limit of 35, the Navy and Air Force's limit is 41-42, while the Marine Corps sets its limit at 28, and the Coast Guard has an age limit of 42.

Joining the military is a decision that requires careful thought and consideration due to its significant commitments. It would be beneficial to research the various roles and career paths within each branch of the military to see what aligns best with your interests, skills, and future plans.

16 hours ago

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