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Highest paying jobs without a high school diploma

Life took me on a different path, and I never finished high school. Are there any high-paying jobs or career paths out there that don't require a high school diploma? I'm open to different industries.

16 hours ago

While not having a high school diploma might limit some job opportunities, it's worth noting that there are still several career paths that you can embark on.

In the field of transportation, commercial truck drivers can earn respectable wages, especially long-haul truckers. All you need is a valid driver's license and a clean driving record, and you have to undergo training at a truck driving school and pass a series of tests to earn your commercial driver's license (CDL).

Construction is another sector that often welcomes workers without a high school diploma. Construction laborers and helpers are entry-level positions, but with experience, you could move up to be a construction manager. Skilled trades, like electricians and plumbers, also earn good wages, but keep in mind that these typically require vocational training or apprenticeships.

The oil and gas industry also offers high-paying jobs for those without a high school diploma, such as roustabouts or oil rig workers. These jobs involve hard labor and can be physically demanding but tend to pay well.

In hospitality, you could consider roles such as restaurant manager, or even starting your own restaurant or catering business. While it's demanding, many successful restaurateurs don't have a high school diploma.

Although these jobs don't require a high school diploma, you'll often need to gain experience, complete vocational training or on-the-job training, or obtain certifications. And remember, these are just a few examples of the possibilities out there. Everyone's path is unique - with perseverance and determination, you have the potential to find work that is rewarding and aligns with your career goals.

16 hours ago

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