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Re-enlisting After Previous Military Service

I've heard it's possible to re-enlist after a prior stint in the military. What steps and requirements should someone be aware of if they're considering going this route?

18 hours ago

If you're contemplating reenlisting in the U.S. military after a period of separation, it's certainly feasible, though the process may vary depending on the circumstances of your discharge and the current needs of the service branch you're looking to rejoin. Here are some points to consider:

Type of Discharge: Your discharge status is crucial. Honorable and General Under Honorable Conditions discharges typically enable a smoother reenlistment process. If you were discharged under less favorable conditions (Other Than Honorable, Bad Conduct, or Dishonorable), reenlistment becomes more complicated and, in some cases, impossible.

Reentry Code: On your DD-214 form, you'll find a Reentry (RE) code that essentially communicates your eligibility for reenlistment. An RE Code of 1 generally signifies unhindered potential for reenlistment. Codes 2 and 3 may require waivers or present more obstacles to reenlistment. An RE Code of 4 typically means reenlistment is not permissible.

Meeting Basic Requirements: It's essential to reassess the basic enlistment requirements such as age, physical fitness, and moral standards. Each service branch has specific age cutoffs for enlistees, but prior service may allow for some exemptions. You'll need to pass the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) again if your old scores are no longer valid or do not meet the requirement for the Military Occupational Specialty (MOS) you're interested in.

Physical Fitness: In addition to being within age parameters, you'll need to pass a Military Entrance Processing Station (MEPS) physical to ensure you meet the health and physical fitness prerequisites for service.

Service Needs: The needs and quotas of the different military service branches fluctuate based on numerous variables. Therefore, reenlistment opportunities may vary. Some branches or MOSs may not be open to prior service enlistees if they're fully manned.

It's recommended to speak with a recruiter from the branch you're interested in reenlisting in. They can provide the most up-to-date information on quotas, requirements, and potential obstacles given the current climate.

18 hours ago

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