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What are the best summer jobs for high school graduates?

I'll be graduating high school soon and I'm looking for tips on great summer jobs for new grads. What can offer good experience or pay during the summer?

18 hours ago

Indeed, the period after graduation is a great time to earn some money and gain work experience before stepping into college or the workforce full-time. Here are a few summer job ideas that you might consider:

1. Retail Jobs: Many retail stores hire seasonal employees for the summer, and this could be a good opportunity for you to develop valuable skills such as customer service, sales techniques, and handling cash.

2. Food Service: Jobs in fast-food joints or local restaurants are traditional summer job choices. These roles often don't require previous experience and offer flexible hours.

3. Camp Counselor: If you enjoy working with children, look into opportunities to work at a summer camp. It's not just a job, but also a chance to develop leadership and communication skills.

4. Landscaping/Gardening: If you enjoy being outdoors, you might look into working for a landscaping or gardening company. Some landscaping companies hire seasonal workers due to an increase in demand for gardening services in the summer.

5. Tutoring: If you have a particular subject you excel in, you might consider tutoring younger students over the summer. As a recent high school graduate, you'll have a fresh perspective on these subjects and the recent experience to make you a great tutor.

6. Internships: You might also consider applying for internships related to your intended college major or career field. While these might not always offer a high salary, they could provide valuable experience and networking opportunities.

Remember, the best job for you will depend on your interests, career goals, and skills. Good luck with your job hunt!

18 hours ago

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