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Navigating life as enlisted military with a college degree

I'm thinking about enlisting in the military after I finish my college degree. Do college graduates have different responsibilities or opportunities than those without a degree? How might this affect my military career?

20 hours ago

Your decision to enlist in the military after completing your degree could yield some distinct differences in terms of roles, responsibilities, and career advancement opportunities compared to those enlisting straight out of high school.

One significant difference is that you'd qualify to become a commissioned officer. Officers generally have more responsibility and earn a higher pay grade than enlisted personnel. Joining as an officer would mean you undergo Officer Candidate School (OCS) or go through one of the service academies or Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC) programs, though possessing a degree will enable you to skip these latter two steps. Once you're in, your degree can serve you in a specific occupation within the military. Depending on your major, you might be a better fit for certain roles like engineering, healthcare, or intelligence, for example.

Moreover, having a degree can fast-track your career within the military. There's usually a clearly defined path for promotion as an officer, and higher education typically expedites this process.

That said, serving as an enlisted member or officer has its own merits and challenges. Enlisted roles often provide opportunities for more hands-on and technical work, while officers tend to have roles that involve leadership, supervision, and planning. You must pick a path that aligns with your long-term career goals, your interests, and your strengths.

Regardless of the path you choose, serving in the military can provide a strong foundation of discipline, leadership, teamwork, and many other transferable skills valued in civilian life. You're embarking on an exciting journey, and your education will undeniably enhance that experience.

20 hours ago

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