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High demand trade school careers

I'm planning on attending trade school and want to make sure I pick a field with strong job prospects. What are some trade school careers currently in high demand? Are there any specific skills or certifications I should obtain?

20 hours ago

There are several trade school careers that are particularly high demand right now. Here are a few to consider.

1. Electricians: As new technologies evolve, electricians are increasingly in demand for installation, repair, and maintenance work. Consider getting licensed and becoming familiar with smart home devices.

2. Welders: With infrastructure projects on the rise, skilled welders are vital. You might even get specialized certifications in different types of welding such as TIG, MIG, or underwater welding.

3. HVAC Technicians: These professionals fix and install air conditioning, heating, ventilation, and refrigeration systems. Given increasing energy efficiency and environmental concerns, the field is growing.

4. Dental Hygienists: One of the rapidly growing healthcare careers, it usually requires an associate's degree to start.

5. Solar Photovoltaic Installers: As the world moves toward green energy, the demand for professionals who can install solar panels is rising.

6. Plumber: A traditional trade that is always essential. There's a high demand for plumbers in both residential and commercial settings.

7. Network Systems Administrator: With most businesses dependent on technology, individuals who can manage an organization's network infrastructure are in high demand.

All of these careers require specific training, and some may require licensure or certification. The certifications required can vary greatly from one profession to another and depends on the state regulations.

For example, becoming an electrician typically involves an apprenticeship, followed by licensure as a journeyman, and then eventual certification as a master electrician. Meanwhile, dental hygienists generally need to complete an associate's degree, pass the National Board Dental Hygiene Examination, and get licensed in their state.

Also, remember that where you live plays a role in how much demand there is for given trade. It'd be beneficial to research trends in your local job market before making a final decision.

Lastly, it's important to choose a career that you're genuinely interested in. The most promising career won't do you much good if you don't enjoy the work. Best of luck in your decision!

20 hours ago

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