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Best Job for a High School Student?

Hey! I'm a high school junior looking to save some money before college. What would be the best job for someone like me with my current schedule and lack of experience? Any suggestions would really be appreciated!

20 hours ago

Great to hear you're eager to take on a job and start saving! Finding a job that aligns with a high schooler's schedule can be a challenge, but there are plenty of opportunities out there that could work for you. Several businesses specifically cater to hiring students because they appreciate your adaptability and eagerness to learn.

Since you're likely looking for something part-time, retail jobs could be a good fit. Many of these types of positions offer flexible hours, which can work well with an academic schedule. It could be at a local grocery store, clothing store, or fast-food restaurant. These businesses are often looking for part-time, flexible workers.

Tutoring can be another excellent job if you excel in a particular subject. Helping out younger students with subjects you're good at can pay fairly well, and it can often be done on a schedule that works for you. It can take place in-person or online, expanding your potential client base. Besides that, it can be a rewarding experience as you're helping someone else improve their understanding of a subject.

Or consider a seasonal job. Certain times of the year create job opportunities for high school students. During summer break, local beaches, pools, and parks might be hiring lifeguards. If you enjoy swimming and have the necessary certifications, it could be a great fit. During the festive season, retailers typically hire extra staff to manage the holiday rush.

Remember, each job provides you with new experiences and skills that you can even mention in your college applications. They can give you a sense of responsibility, help you with time management, and offer you a glimpse into the working world.

Good luck with the job hunt!

20 hours ago

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