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What to know before enlisting in military service?

I'm thinking about joining the military after high school and want to understand what to expect. Are there specific things I should know before I enlist, like requirements or the lifestyle? Any advice would be super helpful!

22 hours ago

Definitely. Here are several aspects you may wish to consider before enlisting:

Qualifications: Each branch of the military (Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, Coast Guard, and Space Force) has its enlistment requirements that include age, education, citizenship, physical fitness, and legal history. At a high level, most require you to be between 17 to 42 years old, a U.S. citizen or Green Card holder, and in solid physical condition. You'll generally need a high school diploma or equivalent, though there are occasional exceptions.

Testing: The Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) is a test you'll need to take before enlisting. This gives the military a sense of your academic and/or technical areas where you excel, helping them place you in an appropriate job classification.

Commitment: Military contracts often demand a commitment of several years. When this period is added to your training time, your military commitment can exceed your initial estimation.

Lifestyle: Soldiers generally live an extremely disciplined life, with regular physical training and strict adherence to a code of conduct. Overseas deployments, frequent moves, and separation from family can be challenging.

Career Opportunities: The military offers a wide range of career options beyond combat roles, many of which offer training and certifications that translate well into civilian career paths. Researching the job opportunities available in each branch can be helpful in making your decision.

Education Benefits: Many individuals join the military because of the GI Bill, which provides significant educational funding benefits. You could use these funds during your service or at a later date.

Healthcare and Benefits: The U.S. military offers comprehensive healthcare coverage and other benefits like housing, supplies, and food allowances.

Personal Development: The military can be a place for personal growth, leadership development, and gaining a clear sense of direction and discipline.

Lastly, it's worth noting that the decision to enlist should not be taken lightly. I would recommend speaking with current and former military service members, as well as your school counselor or other trusted individuals in your life, to gather as much perspective as you can before making your decision.

22 hours ago

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