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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Should I Add My High School Jobs to My Employment History?

I'm updating my resume and wondering if I should include the jobs I've had in high school. Will they be relevant or important when applying to colleges or for future jobs? I'm not sure how to make them stand out.

22 hours ago

Definitely! Adding high school jobs to your resume can greatly contribute to the richness and depth of your application. The jobs you held in high school function as experiences that showcase your ability to manage time, demonstrate responsibility, and gain real-world skills. They portray you as someone who is able to balance multiple responsibilities concurrently.

When detailing each job, you should focus on the skills you acquired and the responsibilities you held. Try to highlight any leadership roles or significant contributions you made, even if they might seem small. Here is an example:

Bakery Assistant, [Name of Bakery]:

- Developed customer service skills by interacting with diverse customers daily.

- Managed cash register transactions accurately and efficiently.

- Assisted in the presentation, preparation, and restocking of products, demonstrating attention to detail and time management.

Remember to tailor the descriptions of your jobs to the requirements of the college or job you're applying for. For example, if the college or job values teamwork, emphasize instances where you worked in a team during your job. Going through this exercise can showcase your work experiences in a meaningful and impactful light.

22 hours ago

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