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What jobs can work in high school for music therapy?

I'm interested in pursuing a career in music therapy eventually. Are there any part-time or volunteer positions I could look into during high school to gain relevant experience?

22 hours ago

Absolutely, there are several part-time and volunteer positions that could provide relevant experience in the field of music therapy while you are still in high school.

You might consider volunteering at nursing homes, hospitals, or special education programs where music therapy is commonly used as a form of treatment. In these settings, you might not directly assist with the music therapy sessions due to liability and privacy concerns, but you can observe and learn from the music therapists.

You could also look for jobs or volunteer positions related to music, such as at a music school, a local community center, or a children's camp. Often these positions involve teaching or supervising children in a music class or a choir, which can give you experience with the instructional aspect of music therapy.

Another option is to look for opportunities to work with individuals with special needs. Organizations that support individuals with developmental or physical disabilities often utilize music as a form of therapy and enrichment, so roles like a support worker or recreation assistant could provide valuable experience.

Remember, any experience you gain working with different demographics, like the elderly or individuals with special needs, or any experience with music, can be beneficial to a career in music therapy. It's all about honing your interpersonal skills, understanding the impact of music, and learning to use it therapeutically. Good luck!

22 hours ago

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