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What do high school students look for in a job?

I'm trying to figure out what my priorities should be when I’m searching for a high school job. Do most students look for flexibility, good pay, or something that could help later in their careers? Any advice would be great.

22 hours ago

When considering a potential job during high school, there are several factors to take into account, and what you prioritize will ultimately depend on your personal and future goals. Here are some key things to consider:

1. Flexibility: This is a crucial element because as a high school student, you have a lot of other commitments such as academics, family obligations, and extracurricular activities. Look for jobs that provide flexible hours or the opportunity to work on weekends.

2. Pay: While a higher-paying job can be an asset, especially if you're saving for college or other future expenses, it's often not the priority for high school students who are lucky enough to not need to support themselves or their families.

3. Valuable Experience: Some students look for jobs that give them valuable experiences related to their proposed field of study or long-term career goals. This could mean looking for jobs or internships in areas you're interested in.

4. Skill Development: Jobs can also present opportunities to develop soft skills like problem-solving, time management, teamwork, and customer service. These skills can be beneficial for college applications and future jobs.

5. Location: Look for a job that's close to home or school to minimize commute time.

6. Respect School Commitments: A job that respects your school commitments is crucial. Your employer should understand you're a student first, and can't work during school hours or study times.

In essence, it's all about balance. Your job should be a beneficial part of your high school experience, not a hindrance to your other important commitments. Best of luck in your job search!

22 hours ago

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