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Which school supplies are essential for starting college?

I'm putting together a checklist of school items I need for college. What are some essential school supplies and gadgets I should definitely have as a new college student? I'm worried I'll forget important things!

21 hours ago

As you start thinking about going to college, it's important to consider what school supplies and gadgets are necessary. Here's a list of a few essential items you should consider:

1. Laptop: This is possibly the most important tool you'll need for note-taking, researching, and completing assignments.

2. USB Drive: While most things are cloud-based these days, having a USB drive can come in handy for backing up important assignments.

3. Backpack: Look for a sturdy, comfortable-to-carry backpack, preferably with a padded laptop compartment.

4. Notebooks and Stationery: Even in our digital age, it is beneficial to have physical stationery items for note-taking, brainstorming, or quick sketches.

5. Desk Organizer: Keeping your workspace tidy can help improve your focus and make studying easier. Pick up a desk organizer to keep track of pens, sticky notes, highlighters etc.

6. Planners and Calendars: Having a physical planner or calendar can be a great visual reminder of what you need to get done. This can be particularly helpful for keeping track of deadlines and important dates.

7. Textbooks: Depending on your classes, you'll likely need a few textbooks. You may want to wait until your first class to buy these, as professors will provide specifics about what is needed.

8. Scientific Calculator: While not needed for every major, certain classes such as Math or Science related ones will require this.

9. Tech Accessories: Additional things like a long charging cable, portable charger, external keyboard or mouse, headphones or speakers, could make your study time more comfortable and efficient.

10. Printer: Some students find it convenient to have a personal printer for last-minute assignments or handouts, though this isn’t a necessity since there are usually printers available on campus.

Make sure to also check the specifics that your college and living situation might require. For instance, some dorm rooms may not come with certain conveniences (like a mini fridge or a microwave), while some courses may need specific equipment or software. Lastly, don't forget to bring small personal items that make your space feel a bit more like home. It can help with the transition and make your college experience more comfortable. Good luck!

21 hours ago

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