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Enlisting as a military physical therapist?

I'm interested in both the military and a career in physical therapy. Does anyone know if it's possible to enlist as a military physical therapist, and if so, what that career path entails?

22 hours ago

A career as a military physical therapist is a notable choice and often, such roles are in high demand. You would typically start by obtaining a civilian education in physical therapy. This typically involves getting a bachelor's degree in a related field, followed by a Doctorate in Physical Therapy (DPT) program, which typically lasts three years.

Many military branches, like the Army, Navy, and Air Force, offer financial support for these programs through programs like the Health Professions Scholarship Program (HPSP). In this program, the military would pay for your education in exchange for a set number of years of commissioned service as a physical therapist in that branch.

After completing your degree, you would need to become licensed to practice physical therapy. This requires passing the National Physical Therapy Exam.

Next, you would go through Officer training. This varies by branch but typically involves learning military customs, leadership skills, physical training, and military life.

Finally, you would be a commissioned officer serving as a physical therapist, often at military hospitals or bases, treating service members and their families. You could also be deployed to provide care to service members in the field.

Arguably one of the most rewarding aspects of serving as a military physical therapist is the opportunity to work with service members who have unique physical and rehabilitation needs. It's a career that can bring a lot of satisfaction and a sense of purpose. However, you should be prepared for the commitments involved, including the possibility of relocation or deployment.

22 hours ago

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