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What disqualifies someone from enlisting in the US military?

I'm thinking about enlisting in the military after graduation but want to make sure I qualify. What are some reasons someone might not be allowed to enlist? I'd like to identify any potential concerns ahead of time.

22 hours ago

Several factors could potentially disqualify you from enlisting in the U.S. military.

Firstly, age is a consideration. For the most part, you must be between the ages of 17 and 42 to enlist. Nonetheless, these age limits may vary slightly depending on the branch and whether you're interested in active duty or reserve.

Secondly, educational requirements impose that you must at least have a high school diploma. Some branches may accept a GED but often with additional requirements, like higher ASVAB scores.

Health and fitness stand as significant factors as well. There is a required military entrance physical and standards for height, weight, and physical fitness, which you must meet. Additionally, certain medical conditions might disqualify you, such as a history of mental health issues, certain chronic diseases, or having a physical disability. Each case is considered individually, and waivers are sometimes available, however.

Your legal history might also become a hindrance. Certain felony convictions can disqualify you. Although, in some cases, waivers may be obtainable depending on the nature of the offense and the specific circumstances.

Finally, you must be a U.S. citizen or have permanent residence status. There are also specific rules regarding enlisting as a non-citizen, which may limit the jobs you're eligible for in the military.

It's advisable to consult a recruiter as they can provide insights particular to your situation and the branch of the military you're interested in. They could guide you through potential concerns and the process of acquiring necessary waivers if possible.

22 hours ago

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