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Top paying jobs for high school dropouts?

If someone has dropped out of high school, what are the job prospects in terms of high pay? Are there particular sectors that hire high school dropouts? Any advice on where to look?

22 hours ago

While it's imperative to recognize that education can provide increased job opportunities and stability, there are various fields where high school dropouts can still find well-paying jobs. Let's delve into some of them.

1. Construction and Extraction: Many construction jobs do not require a high-school degree but may require training, technical knowledge, or certification. This training can often be obtained on the job. A construction manager can earn quite well as experience and expertise in the field increase.

2. Transportation: Jobs as commercial truck drivers offer a good income opportunity, often requiring only a commercial driving license and potentially additional training.

3. Skilled Labor: Some high-paying trades don't require a high school diploma — such as electricians, plumbers, and HVAC technicians. However, these jobs will require an apprenticeship or vocational training.

4. Sales: Elevating to higher-paying sales positions often depends more on a person's ability to sell than their level of formal education. A sales success history can lead to managerial roles with higher income potential.

5. Entrepreneurship: While risky, starting your own business or being self-employed can potentially be a profitable venture regardless of your level of education.

6. Food Services: With relevant experience, a high school dropout can work up to a higher position, such as a restaurant or kitchen manager.

Despite these possibilities, consider pursuing a GED (General Education Diploma) or some form of vocational training - as it can open up a wider range of job opportunities. It's also essential to keep in mind that while these jobs may not require a high school diploma, they often require other forms of training or have high physical demands.

22 hours ago

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