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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Downsides of working during high school

I've heard some people say that having a job during high school can be more trouble than it's worth. Can anyone who's worked while in school share if they felt it impacted their grades or social life negatively?

22 hours ago

Having a part-time job while in high school definitely introduces some unique challenges. Let's focus on the potential downsides:

1. Time: High school students must juggle schoolwork, extracurricular activities, and social life alongside their job hours. This can often lead to a tight schedule. Particularly during exam seasons or when large projects are due, scheduling can get tricky.

2. Stress: Balancing multiple commitments can cause stress. Sometimes, this added stress can impact a student's performance in school or their emotional wellbeing.

3. Reduced focus on academics: Some students might find that work responsibilities distract from schoolwork or from pursuing academically enriching activities.

4. Less leisure and social interactions: A part-time job requires a chunk of time previously allocated for leisure, relaxation, or social activities. Less downtime can lead to burnout.

However, it's crucial to remember there are also benefits to working during high school. It can instill a good work ethic, provide income, and even offer insight into future career paths. For every con listed above, a student might also find an unexpected pro. It's all about finding a balance that works for each individual.

22 hours ago

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